Currency: Coins and Bills LLC
  Total visits: 2742   This week: 5
Keith Mankin
Online Site
E-Commerce Store, VA .
Dealer # 6576
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CurrencyCAB Info



Welcome to the Currency: Coins and Bills LLC (CurrencyCAB) CoinZip page!


CurrencyCAB is a revolutionary new site set to change the future of the historic currency market forever. With CurrencyCAB, the internet gains a site dedicated to the needs and desires of both vendors and customers in the currency collecting market. You'll be able to purchase and sell your currency with extremely low fees applicable only after your product sells. 

With CurrencyCAB, I hope to accomplish two things: (1) to establish a central location specifically geared towards all kinds of currency within our community, and (2) to educate newcomers on our community. To educate newcomers, we host a little thing called Currency of the Month, which selects one bill & one coin and gives a short history on them. It’s definitely an interesting concept and, along with our guides, I hope this site will be extremely user friendly.


CurrencyCAB has launched and is now fulfilling orders! I'm so excited to present all we have to offer, and can't wait for what the future holds for CurrencyCAB.


We can't wait to show you what's up next! Stay tuned for more information, and make sure to follow our Twitter page and like our Facebook!

Paper Currency Example

*A storefront example of the paper currency section of our site.

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